
Showing posts from July, 2023

Is Taking CoQ10 Supplement Is Safe?

  Yes, Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) supplements are generally safe to take in recommended doses. CoQ10 is a natural compound found in every cell of the body and plays an important role in energy production. It also acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from damage caused by harmful molecules known as free radicals. Supplementing with  CoQ10  can have several potential health benefits. Some studies suggest that CoQ10 may help reduce inflammation, improve heart function and blood pressure levels, boost exercise performance and recovery, and even support brain health. However, as with any supplement or medication, it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider before starting to take CoQ10. This is especially true if you have a history of medical conditions or are taking medications that may interact with CoQ10. It’s also recommended when choosing a CoQ10 supplement look for products from reputable brands as the quality and purity can vary between different manufacturers which can aff

Can PCOS Really Make You Fat?

  PCOD or PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) can cause weight gain and difficulty losing weight. This is because PCOS affects the body’s hormonal balance, specifically increasing levels of insulin and testosterone while decreasing levels of progesterone. These imbalances lead to increased fat storage, especially in the abdominal area. Stress and poor sleep quality are also linked to weight gain and may be exacerbated by symptoms related to PCOS such as irregular periods or acne. When it comes to managing PCOS effectively and that too without regular medicines, Ayurvedic treatments can relay do wonders. In addition to maintaining a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise and proper nutrition, you can also consider taking  Ridvi Pcysto well 2.0.  Fortified with herbs like Kachnar, Shilajit, Latakaranj, Moringa etc, Ridvi Pcysto well 2.0 is designed to treat PCOD naturally & helps to promote regular menstrual cycle. Apart from dissolving cysts inside the ovaries, Ridvi Pcysto well 2.

Which Is The Best Oil For Joints Pain Available In India?

Arthritis is a painful condition of one or more joints. Joint pain can be debilitating and affect every aspect of our lives. While taking pain killers to relieve joint pain can lead to many side effects, there are ayurvedic formulations that offers quick and long-term effects for joint pain. Made with a blend of herbal compounds like Salai Guggul Oil, Gandpura Oil, Haridra Oil, Pudina Satva, Mirch etc, Ortho Well Oil is a 100% pure and natural oil that helps relieve joint pain and stiffness.  Ortho Well Oil  has the ability to penetrate deeply into your skin to deliver the maximum amount of relief. The oil’s active ingredients are able to quickly and effectively target the source of your joint discomfort, providing you with long-lasting relief. It is non-greasy can be used as often as needed and provides long-lasting relief from joint pain. Ortho Well Oil can help to protect the joints from further damage. The oil contains antioxidants that can help to repair damaged cartilage and prev

Is There Any Ayurvedic Treatment For Jaundice?

Yes, Ayurveda offers effective treatments for jaundice. According to Ayurveda, jaundice occurs due to an imbalance of Pitta dosha in the body. The primary goal of Ayurvedic treatment is to restore balance and proper functioning of liver cells. Ayurvedic treatment for jaundice aims at stimulating the function of liver and boost the bile flow in the bole duct. To treat jaundice using Ayurveda, one must first follow a strict diet that includes foods that are easy to digest such as boiled rice, lentils (dal), and green leafy vegetables. One should avoid oily or spicy foods, alcohol and non-vegetarian dishes. One popular remedy involves the use of herbs such as Kutki, Bhumi amla, Giloy, Triphala and Punarnava etc which are known for their detoxifying properties that help cleanse the liver and reduce inflammation. They also help regulate bile production in the body thereby reducing inflammation of the liver tissues. Fortified with a blend of potent ayurvedic herbs,  Liv Well Syrup  is an exc

What Do You Do When Blood Sugar Is High?

  If you have diabetes, your blood sugar levels may sometimes be too high. High blood sugar levels can cause serious health problems, so it’s important to bring them down as soon as possible. There are a few things you can do to bring down your high blood sugar levels quickly. First, drink plenty of water. This will help to flush the sugar out of your system. Next, exercise for at least 30 minutes. This will help to use up the sugar in your bloodstream and lower your blood sugar levels. Eat a healthy diet with lots of vegetables and lean protein. This will help to stabilize your blood sugar levels and keep them from spike. There are a number of different medications that can be used to help lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. The type of medication that is best for you will depend on your individual situation and health condition. However, if you are tired of popping up pills or taking insulin jabs to keep your sugar in check and looking for a natural yet effective soluti

What Is The Best Ayurvedic Medicine For Joint Pain?

There are several natural supplements that have shown promise for relieving pain, stiffness and other arthritis symptoms. While regular pain killers can have serious side effects, natural supplements for joint pain are safe to consume. Fortified with Shallaki, Rasana, Ashwagandha, Giloy, Nirgundi, Guduchi, Haldi etc,  Ortho well  is an effective natural supplement that can help alleviate joint pain and improves mobility. The key ingredients work together to reduce inflammation in the joints and promote healthy cartilage growth. Ortho Well capsules are formulated using high-quality herbs that have been carefully selected based on their proven efficacy in managing joint pain. The supplements are gluten-free, vegan-friendly and do not contain any harmful chemicals or additives. Ortho Well is safe for most people to take on a daily basis. However, if you have any medical conditions or are taking any medications, please consult with a good ayurvedic doctor before starting any supplement reg

Is There Any Ayurveda Treatment Of PCOD?

PCOD is a common condition affecting women of reproductive age and can cause symptoms such as irregular periods, weight gain, acne, excessive hair growth on face or body (hirsutism), and infertility. While regular treatment for PCOD can’t offer permanent cure form this hormonal condition, Ayurveda is the only system that cures PCOD through cyst dissolution. Formulated with natural herbs and ingredients such as Kachnar, Shilajit, Sunthi, Moringa, Pippal etc,  Ridvi Pcysto well 2.0  by Vigada Care is a highly effective ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease). The herbal ingredients in Ridvi Pcysto well 2.0 have anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation in the ovaries, improve their function and helps dissolve cysts inside the ovaries. If you are looking for an effective solution for PCOD without any harmful side effects then Ridvi Pcysto well 2.0 should be your go-to choose due to its efficacy in treating this condition using natural ingredie

What's The Best Natural Medicine For BP?

  It's important to note that managing high blood pressure requires a comprehensive approach, including lifestyle modifications such as regular exercise, stress reduction techniques, and a healthy diet. In addition, prescription medications and herbal supplements are often necessary to effectively control high blood pressure and reduce the risk of complications such as stroke and heart disease. While there is no single "best" natural medicine for high blood pressure,  BP well  by Vigada Care does offer a potent combination of ingredients that may help to support healthy blood pressure levels. This supplement contains extracts of Sarpgandha, Brahmi, Ashwgandha , Moringa, Arjuna - all of which are known for their ability to promote cardiovascular health. It is a highly effective Ayurvedic medicine for management of hypertension, stress etc. My father is a patient of hypertension and has been using BP well since quite some times now. Regular intake of this medicine not only

How Do I Stabilize Blood Sugar With Ayurveda?

Diabetes is a chronic disorder characterized by elevated blood sugar levels. It is either caused by a lack of insulin or insulin resistance in the body. Stabilizing blood sugar levels with Ayurveda involves adopting a holistic approach that addresses various aspects of your lifestyle. Here are some effective and practical tips to help you achieve stable blood sugar levels using Ayurvedic principles: 1. Follow a balanced diet:  Emphasize whole, unprocessed foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats in your meals. Avoid sugary drinks and refined carbohydrates as they can cause blood sugar spikes. 2. Incorporate herbs and spices:  Include bitter gourd, fenugreek seeds, cinnamon, turmeric, and Indian gooseberry (amla) in your diet as they have natural properties that aid in regulating blood sugar levels. To get the complete benefits of these herbs in one bottle, you can consider taking  Ridvi Gluco Well . 3. Manage portion sizes:  Overeating can lead

Are There Any Supplements That Help Improve Immunity?

  Unlocking the power of supplements can help you naturally strengthen your immune system and improve your overall health. Supplementing your diet with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients can help keep your immune system strong and prevent illness. With so many different types of supplements available, it's important to do your research and choose ones that will be most beneficial for you. In addition to take healthy diet that comprises vitamins, minerals, protein, fibre, you can consider taking herbal supplement to boost your immune system. Look for natural supplement that contains the goodness of tulsi, amla, moringa, cinnamon, giloy etc as these herbs are endeared for their immunity boosting properties. Fortified with the goodness of 7 herbs and spices,  Immust Pro  is a well-known ayurvedic immunity booster that has been recommended by many ayurvedic doctors. It strengthens the immune system, reduces oxidative stress on body cells. Rich in antioxidants, ImmustPro rejuvenate

Can PCOD Be Cured? Is There Any Natural Way Of It?

PCOD, or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, is a complex hormonal disorder that affects millions of women worldwide. While it cannot be completely cured in the conventional sense, there are several effective strategies to manage and alleviate its symptoms. PCOD stems from an imbalance in hormones like insulin and androgens, which leads to irregular ovulation and the formation of small cysts on the ovaries. This hormonal disruption makes it challenging for women with PCOD to conceive naturally. However, there's good news! While allopathic treatment may not cure PCOD completely, ayurvedic treatments including adopting certain lifestyle modifications can significantly improve your overall well-being while minimizing the impact of PCOD on your life. 1. Diet:  A healthy diet plays a pivotal role in managing PCOD. Focus on consuming whole foods rich in fiber such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, nuts/seeds while limiting processed foods and refined sugars. Additionally, maintaining stable b

Which Is The Best Ayurveda Natural Oil For My Joint Pain?

Joint pain can be a major deterrent in one’s way of living their life to the fullest. It can put a hold on the day-to-day activities. My mother has been a patient of osteoarthritis since a long time. From taking OTC drugs, pain relief gel, herbal remedies to trying different massage techniques, she tried everything to reverse her condition. As one of her friends suggested her to give ayurvedic pain relief oil Ortho Well a try, she started using the oil twice daily. From the very first use of this therapeutic, medially tested joint pain relief oil, my mother experienced improvement in her condition. Penetrating into the skin quickly, it provides immediate relief from stiff and painful joints.  Ortho Well   o il is undeniably a remarkable joint pain relief oil. It contains a blend of powerful herbs like Salai Guggul Oil, Gandpura Oil, Kapoor Oil and Mirch etc that work synergistically to provide quick and long-lasting relief from joint pain. To use this remarkable product effectively, si

What Are Some Remedies For High BP?

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. If depending on pharmaceutical treatments or medicines is not what you look for, you can try the following natural remedies to control blood pressure.   Exercise regularly:  Regular exercise (at least 30 minutes per day) helps to reduce blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health. Increase potassium intake:  Foods rich in potassium such as bananas, avocados, sweet potatoes, and spinach have been shown to decrease the risk of high blood pressure. Maintain a healthy diet:  Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and low-fat dairy products while limiting salt intake can help to manage high blood pressure. Reduce stress:  High levels of stress can increase blood pressure. Engaging in activities such as yoga or meditation can help to lower stress levels. Reduce salt intake:  Consuming too much salt in your daily diet can increase blood pressure


Immunity booster tablets can be safe if they are manufactured by a reputable company and contain high-quality, natural ingredients. These supplements are designed to support the body’s immune system by providing essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients needed for optimal health. Many immunity booster tablets contain natural ingredients like vitamins C and D, zinc, echinacea, and garlic — all of which have been shown to boost immune function in various ways. These are generally considered safe when taken at recommended doses. Containing herbs and spices like Moringa, Tulsi, Cinnamon, Black pepper etc,  Immust Pro tablet  is one such natural immune supports that rejuvenates body and builds resistance power. Immust Pro is designed to be taken daily as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle routine. While Tulsi, a natural source of Vitamin C keeps infections at bay, Giloy helsp boost your immune system. Loaded with antibacterial and antifungal properties, cinnamon helps your immune

How do I reverse diabetes naturally in 30 days?

  Diabetes is a chronic condition that requires long-term management and treatment. While there’s no shortcut or quick fix to reverse diabetes naturally in 30 days, with some lifestyle changes and dietary management you can keep your rising sugar level in check. Adopting a healthy diet:  A balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein sources could help you maintain optimal blood sugar levels. Regular exercise : Physical activity can enhance insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels effectively. Managing stress:  High-stress levels might cause hormonal imbalances leading to fluctuations in glucose levels. Maintaining proper hydration : Drinking enough water daily ensures your body functions optimally. Getting sufficient sleep :  Inadequate sleep may cause cortisol level spikes , which affects the regulation of insulin. Herbal supplement:  Made with sugar controlling herbs like karela, jamun, methi etc.  Gluco Well  is an effective ayurvedic supplem

How do we increase the immunity of our body?

The human body is constantly under attack from foreign invaders like bacteria, viruses, and toxins. To protect itself, the body needs to mount an immune response. There are a few things you can do to help boost your body's immunity naturally. Exercise regularly: Exercise helps improve circulation, which allows the immune system to function more efficiently. Get enough sleep : Sleep gives your body time to repair and regenerate cells, including those in the immune system. Reduce stress levels: Stress can weaken the immune system, so it’s important to find ways to relax and de-stress. Drink plenty of fluids: Water helps flush out toxins and keeps your body hydrated, which is important for overall health and immunity. Eating a healthy diet is one of the best things you can do for your immune system. Foods rich in vitamin C and zinc are especially important for immunity. Eat foods high in vitamin C and zinc: While Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant helps protect cells from damage an

Can Healthy Eating Prevent Cancer?

Cancer is a complex disease that can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, lifestyle choices, and environmental exposures. While some risk factors cannot be changed, such as family history or age, there are many lifestyle choices that can influence cancer risk. Diet and nutrition are important pieces of the puzzle when it comes to cancer prevention. Making healthy lifestyle choices can help reduce your risk of developing cancer. Eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and getting regular exercise can all help lower your risk. Additionally, avoiding tobacco use and limiting your alcohol intake can also help reduce your risk of developing cancer. A healthy diet has a profound effect on your risk of developing cancer. The right mix of nutrients can help keep your cells healthy and functioning properly, while also reducing inflammation throughout your body. Following are some of the proven ways that may help ward off cancer: Eating plenty of fruits and vegetab